Signed in as:
We come together to worship God and be transformed into the image and likeness of his son Jesus.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
We should encourage each other by meeting together regularly as we eagerly await His return. We share in the Word of God because it is life and truth.
To impact people with Christ Jesus so they are changed into the image and likeness of Christ Jesus
This Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final source of all that we believe. We do believe, however, that the foregoing Statement of Faith accurately represents the teaching of the Bible, and therefore, is binding upon all members. The following tenets of faith reveal the heart of Victory Christian Center.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Victory Christian Center was born in the heart of Mrs. Betty Frederick. After the death of her husband in 1975, while visiting Mt. Vernon, she felt that the Lord wanted her to start a work ministering to people spirit, soul and body and to build unity in the body of Christ. She began having fellowship meetings at 1719 Broadway and named the ministry The House of Refuge.
Those early meetings were mainly oriented toward worshipping God, getting people reconciled to God, and to teaching them how to live a victorious, Christian life. Whatever the need was, those at The House of Refuge would apply the Word of God the best they knew how, to set people free. Early on, there was extensive fellowship with other churches and ministries. At that time the direction was set towards The House being a place of camaraderie. In the following years, responsibility and leadership changed, but the vision remained essentially the same.
Somewhere along the way people started believing for The House of Refuge to become a church. They wanted a church that believed miracles are for today and would minister to all. Early in 1983 a major emphasis was placed on starting a church that would minister to all walks of life. Later that same year, the Lord spoke to a pastor in Salem, Illinois to come and oversee the work. He and his family moved to The House of Refuge in November 1983.
The church began with one building and a small cottage. Throughout the years the original building has been remodeled to accommodate more people.
In order to properly cover all the outreach ministries contained in the Statement of Purpose, The House of Refuge was re-chartered in November 1988. The name was changed to Victory Christian Center. The vision and outreach is the same today: to minister to people in all walks of life and to build unity in the body of Christ. Emphasis is placed on worshiping God, soul winning, discipling, and building unity in the body of Christ.
The very foundation for this work has been laid, kept stable, and will remain steadfast through the prayers of those who have given themselves to the Lord and this ministry.
We are expanding to meet the needs of our congregation, and have enough space for ease of fellowship during our dinners, meetings and outreaches!